Thursday, January 5, 2012

Road Trip with Freddy

Oh my god, I can't believe how long it's been since I posted on this blog. Lots of things have happened since the last time I uploaded pics, and I can't exactly say I've photographed it all, but I have some photographic evidence. There was one day my friends and I decided to do a day trip to Las Vegas, and I figured, this was the perfect time to bring Baby Freddy on an adventure, and these are all the pics from that road trip. They start from some gas station before Baker, CA where there was inexplicably some Lakers cheerleaders doing an event, and they met the man of their dreams- Or in this case, their nightmares. It's also where Freddy met Chewbacca and offered him a haircut right after the first picture was taken. Chewie was not amused. The third through the sixth pictures were taken in Baker, CA- home of the world's tallest thermometer, and according to the last census, only one same sex couple lives together in this population of 735. It is also home to the Alien Fresh Jerky store, where these pictures are taken. It's also where I got a can of Ghostbusters ecto slime energy drink (Not pictured), and an awesome shot glass (Also not pictured). After making our stop in Baker we went down the road only to stop when we passed what I called "A photo op of an almost obvious death trap" AKA the creepiest run down old gas station I had ever seen and decided I needed pictures of it. As soon as the car stopped I was out the door, ducking under the barbed wire, and running to what could have been a total Texas Chainsaw Massacre style family living just beyond those hastily boarded up broken windows. Spoiler alert- I didn't get skinned and eaten. Pictures seven and eight are of the death I might have been running to, but avoided. Picture nine is of this mobster tour thing I almost did and the layout, but it was too late, they were closing soon, and it didn't happen, and picture ten is the picture I took when Freddy got tired of the whole thing and decided to blow up Vegas. Luckily for Nevada, the wires were bad and the explosives were wet, otherwise he'd be cleaning up a very big mess. So there you have it, my little monster on his first road trip. Maybe when I get my death-mobile back we can go on another one! (Though in my car, it's not likely).

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