Thursday, January 5, 2012

Sitting, Spinning and Flying

Awhile ago a few friends were in LA, and asked me to meet them at the Bourgeois Pig. Aside from having a slice of chocolate cake made of chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate that was so rich it took four of us to eat it, and I don't think we even finished it, the place has this cool room that looks like a clearing in a forest, with some little elf house or something where people can chill out and talk. The elf house is where Freddy is sitting, I don't know what happened to the elves.

A few months ago I re-discovered spinning in my office chair. I love it. Apparently so does Freddy.

About five months ago a friend needed a ride to the airport for a very early morning flight I was unaware of. Another friend and I agreed to take them to the airport, I- however- as mentioned before, was unaware of this and had decided that was the night I was going to break in my 5 3/4 inch heels. We waited until our friend's flight left and then went home, I still haven't learned to keep a pair of flats in my purse, but one would think after that incident I would. Maybe someday, but until then, I'll just stick to killing my feet as I'm getting good shots of Freddy in different places.

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