Thursday, January 5, 2012

Patriotism, Doctors and Mornings- Oh My!

Freddy showed off his patriotic side after a screening of Something Wild at the New Beverly, before changing his tune at the doctor's office (I thought I broke my foot, had an x-ray done and was told I just sprained if and that I was a wimp. (Okay, not that last part, but the gorgeous Australian doctor gave me that look of "Really, you're complaining about this?" I'm sorry, did you not see me limp my ass into the clinic?) Anyway, I digress... Where was I- Oh yeah-) After waiting for thirty minutes for a doctor Freddy got bored and decided to play around with the cotton swabs and needles. I had to take him away before he got too comfortable.
A little while after the doctor's office incident I woke up to find Freddy either defending my coffee, or quenching his thirst for blood. Probably a little of both... Obviously the little nightmare is not a morning monster.

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