Saturday, May 21, 2011

Girl's Day With Freddy

Today my roommate and I decided to have a girl's day, this of course meant I needed to find Baby Freddy, girl's day is great for taking pictures, and today was no disappointment. First things first we went to the salon, our favorite salon is Plush Beauty Salon on Fairfax and Santa Monica, one of my favorite things about the salon is the children's corner... A jailed in little area full of toys and little couches and stuff. The perfect place to take pictures of Baby Krueger.

After the salon we went to a new place, the perfect place for any woman in need of something pretty and practical. The Wizard of Bras in Monrovia. After getting there and signing in- yes, the way this store works is, you sign in, and wait, then one of the women calls your name, you follow her to a fitting room where she measures you and then you tell her what you want. They find what you're looking for, you try it on, they teach you the right way to put on a bra- who knew, all these years and I've been wearing my bra wrong. It was the perfect place to take a couple of pictures of Freddy, who in my belief, enjoyed his girl's day out.

P.S. After the salon we found the Best Russian bakery right next door where we were able to get lunch- a potato and mushroom turnover, a small brownie cheescake and a cup of coffee- for less then five dollars each. Seriously, my lunch was $4.50. And it was AWEOSME!

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