Thursday, January 5, 2012

Hostage Situation!

So, I've had to stay at my mom's for the past week because my car is sick. I have this thing when I go places I always forget something I'll end up needing. On my way home tonight, I realized I had forgotten my boys. Baby Freddy and my Dan Aykroyd as Dr. Ray Stantz in Ghosbusters plushie. When I got home I had a message from my sister who was holding my boys hostage. She demanded $5,000,000 to be sent to her in an untraceable bank account. I offered her Monopoly money, she threatened the boys and I threatened to skin her and sell her blood to the circus to keep the clowns alive. I think I just exacerbated the situation.

UPDATE: We have come to an agreement, for the safe return of the boys (and for her to remove the tape from them both) I've agreed to give her an iPod charger. Good to know $5,000,000 was settled at something worth around $12-15. They'll be returned to me tomorrow.

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