Saturday, January 14, 2012

Baby Freddy vs. Friday the 13th.

Today, to celebrate Friday the 13th, and the fact that we have season passes we decided to go to Disneyland after work. Seeing as I was in a right state of mind after having not only getting my car, but also getting my Freddy and my Ray Stantz plushies (which I do realize I haven't spoken about yet, so don't worry, he'll get his own post soon) back, I remembered to bring Baby Freddy.
After a two hour car ride (Thanks Friday traffic!) we got there, and instantly made our way to California Adventure park, where they have an amazing TRON attraction featuring the End of Line Club, a bar, a Games arena, face painting, programs and most importantly, Flynn's. I love arcades, and after this goes I think I'll be extremely depressed (At least until I make the money to by my own video games from the eighties... Or until they release TRON plushies.... Whichever comes first)
Sitting at the end of line club I couldn't help but snap a few shots of Freddy, then looking behind me at what is supposed to be a window overlooking the grid I set Freddy in the windowsill and snapped one of my favorite shots I've ever taken of Freddy.
After visiting California Adventure we went to Disneyland and almost instantly I found Plex. There he sat on top of a trash can, dejected and lonely waiting to be found, and flung he was, and for the evening he resides in the washing machine (Even robots get dirty!) but tomorrow he will join his new home with Baby Freddy and Ray Stantz.
We went through the Indiana Jones shop on our way to Pirates and I managed to snap a picture there of Baby Freddy over a replica Indiana Jones map (Which can be purchased) then we got dinner, and rode Pirates of the Caribbean twice in a row.
Overall it was a good day, and while I lay recuperating, I thought it'd be best to tell you all sooner or later. I think Freddy had a good Friday the 13th, I know I did!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Hostage Situation!

So, I've had to stay at my mom's for the past week because my car is sick. I have this thing when I go places I always forget something I'll end up needing. On my way home tonight, I realized I had forgotten my boys. Baby Freddy and my Dan Aykroyd as Dr. Ray Stantz in Ghosbusters plushie. When I got home I had a message from my sister who was holding my boys hostage. She demanded $5,000,000 to be sent to her in an untraceable bank account. I offered her Monopoly money, she threatened the boys and I threatened to skin her and sell her blood to the circus to keep the clowns alive. I think I just exacerbated the situation.

UPDATE: We have come to an agreement, for the safe return of the boys (and for her to remove the tape from them both) I've agreed to give her an iPod charger. Good to know $5,000,000 was settled at something worth around $12-15. They'll be returned to me tomorrow.

Sitting, Spinning and Flying

Awhile ago a few friends were in LA, and asked me to meet them at the Bourgeois Pig. Aside from having a slice of chocolate cake made of chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate that was so rich it took four of us to eat it, and I don't think we even finished it, the place has this cool room that looks like a clearing in a forest, with some little elf house or something where people can chill out and talk. The elf house is where Freddy is sitting, I don't know what happened to the elves.

A few months ago I re-discovered spinning in my office chair. I love it. Apparently so does Freddy.

About five months ago a friend needed a ride to the airport for a very early morning flight I was unaware of. Another friend and I agreed to take them to the airport, I- however- as mentioned before, was unaware of this and had decided that was the night I was going to break in my 5 3/4 inch heels. We waited until our friend's flight left and then went home, I still haven't learned to keep a pair of flats in my purse, but one would think after that incident I would. Maybe someday, but until then, I'll just stick to killing my feet as I'm getting good shots of Freddy in different places.

Patriotism, Doctors and Mornings- Oh My!

Freddy showed off his patriotic side after a screening of Something Wild at the New Beverly, before changing his tune at the doctor's office (I thought I broke my foot, had an x-ray done and was told I just sprained if and that I was a wimp. (Okay, not that last part, but the gorgeous Australian doctor gave me that look of "Really, you're complaining about this?" I'm sorry, did you not see me limp my ass into the clinic?) Anyway, I digress... Where was I- Oh yeah-) After waiting for thirty minutes for a doctor Freddy got bored and decided to play around with the cotton swabs and needles. I had to take him away before he got too comfortable.
A little while after the doctor's office incident I woke up to find Freddy either defending my coffee, or quenching his thirst for blood. Probably a little of both... Obviously the little nightmare is not a morning monster.

Road Trip with Freddy

Oh my god, I can't believe how long it's been since I posted on this blog. Lots of things have happened since the last time I uploaded pics, and I can't exactly say I've photographed it all, but I have some photographic evidence. There was one day my friends and I decided to do a day trip to Las Vegas, and I figured, this was the perfect time to bring Baby Freddy on an adventure, and these are all the pics from that road trip. They start from some gas station before Baker, CA where there was inexplicably some Lakers cheerleaders doing an event, and they met the man of their dreams- Or in this case, their nightmares. It's also where Freddy met Chewbacca and offered him a haircut right after the first picture was taken. Chewie was not amused. The third through the sixth pictures were taken in Baker, CA- home of the world's tallest thermometer, and according to the last census, only one same sex couple lives together in this population of 735. It is also home to the Alien Fresh Jerky store, where these pictures are taken. It's also where I got a can of Ghostbusters ecto slime energy drink (Not pictured), and an awesome shot glass (Also not pictured). After making our stop in Baker we went down the road only to stop when we passed what I called "A photo op of an almost obvious death trap" AKA the creepiest run down old gas station I had ever seen and decided I needed pictures of it. As soon as the car stopped I was out the door, ducking under the barbed wire, and running to what could have been a total Texas Chainsaw Massacre style family living just beyond those hastily boarded up broken windows. Spoiler alert- I didn't get skinned and eaten. Pictures seven and eight are of the death I might have been running to, but avoided. Picture nine is of this mobster tour thing I almost did and the layout, but it was too late, they were closing soon, and it didn't happen, and picture ten is the picture I took when Freddy got tired of the whole thing and decided to blow up Vegas. Luckily for Nevada, the wires were bad and the explosives were wet, otherwise he'd be cleaning up a very big mess. So there you have it, my little monster on his first road trip. Maybe when I get my death-mobile back we can go on another one! (Though in my car, it's not likely).