Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day Out With Freddy

I wasn't always a horror fan- in fact, I borderline hated horror films. My dad used to have this rule with me, either I could go to bed with my brother when he told us to- Or, since I was older, I could stay up and watch whatever he was watching. I remember being scared by films like Four Rooms and Jaws 2, I quickly learned not to stay in the living room with him while he watched TV, but then, of course- he would change the channel to something I would want to watch, and shout out what was happening. This went on for a few years, then finally I'd make myself watch the scary stuff. I don't remember how old I was, I guess around 13 when I decided I wasn't going to be scared anymore, I decided to watch all of the scary stuff- and not only watch it, but love it. Scary movies were going to be my favorite movies. I started going to the Fillmore Video store and renting things only from the horror section, and one day I stumbled upon a film titled 'Nightmare on Elm Street'. I loved it. I guess that's how it started.
A few months ago my roommate came home from Dark Delicacies with the cutest thing ever. A plush Freddy Krueger doll. I was instantly in love, and started taking him everywhere. Anywhere I went, I took a picture. Pretty soon I was sending pictures to my friends, to my twitter and facebook and anywhere else I could think of. Finally my mom compared me to Amelie and the gnome she has pictures taken of and sent to her father. That gave me the idea to start posting the pictures I had taken of Baby Krueger- as he's known as- on a blog. Thus, Day Out With Freddy was born.

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